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    British Metals Recycling Association

    Since 1983 we have been working with BMRA and its predecessors to provide insurance services to members. This invaluable experience has enabled us to understand the particular requirements of this very specialist industry.

    We have passed this knowledge and understanding on to our insurance providers, with whom we have long-standing facilities, and with them we have been able to develop some of the widest covers available in the market.

    Our aim has been to provide quality long term facilities for BMRA members for over 30 years; continuously providing insurance cover for members even through difficult ‘hard market cycles’ when others we unable to provide cover.

    Our exclusive covers include:

    • Specialist All Risks Plant & Machinery including:
          Ingress of foreign objects cover
          New for old or market value basis available
          Operator error cover
    • Employers Public and Products Liability
    • Spoilt Melts cover
    • Wrongful Conversion of Metal
    • Additional Cover for exposure to asbestos
    • Low Claims Rebate available
    • Inspection and breakdown of plant
    • Buildings, Property, Stock, Business Interruption and Money
    • Goods in Transit including Marine Import/Export

    Contact: Nick Birley
          Email: nick.birley@peterhoare.com
          Mobile: 07909 928 500

    We provide expertise in the following areas:


    Peter Hoare & Co (Insurance Brokers) Ltd
    Ranmoor House
    237 Graham Rd
    S10 3GS

    Email: info@peterhoare.com
    Telephone: 0114 230 5305